Wednesday, January 16, 2013

If only there was more time in the day..

Has it really been a month since I last blogged?
Yes, yes it has.
My life, friends, has been crazy.
Simply insane.
Wonderful, but busy.
Big news though!
Drum roll please...

I got a job!
I know I know, we all thought it would never happen.
But I am officially an employee of Cafe Zupas since two Fridays ago!
It's pretty fun actually!

^^^me trying to have a good attitude.
But really, getting paid for working there isn't too bad.
Come visit me!

We also took Becca up to BYUI. I hope she's having a great time up there.
And NOT planning to get engaged.

Jill, Kenny, Lola, and Jade came down here.
In one month!
I wish that would happen all the time
or even better, going up there to visit them!
I just love all of them.

Christmas was great, gave a little got a little.
We went sledding too and that was fun.

I got called to be the ward chorister in my ward.
I know, I was confused too.
Wish me luck with that..

Ryan gave Becca and I a CD for Christmas of all these cool songs,
you know just trying to make us broaden our range of songs from Taylor Swift,
but I looove all the songs on there.
Especially Fiona Apple.

I asked someone to Preference today.
Since it's in two weeks I just walked up to him and asked.
Talk about nerve wracking!
I'm way happy that we ask creatively here or else I would not be able to get up the courage.

A new semester started on Tuesday, and I've been busy trying to switch my schedule around.
Math-- hate it cause I just got my first B in it, but all the people in that class make it too fun to switch out.
Seminary-- actually know people in it and a good teacher. Keeping it.
Yearbook-- yea.. one more semester.
Chemistry-- why do I love this class so much? I just do. And I thought I would never be able to say that about a science class.
English-- Favorite subject.
Government-- what the crap. This class is too hard for me, but I don't know what to take if I switch out.
Choir-- let's be real. Only in it for choir tour. San Fran!
Photo-- don't need to take it, and trying to switch into study hall (a job and super hard classes=either bad grades, no sleep, or no social life) but all of them are full. Why would all the study halls be full!?!

So I don't really know what to do. I'm super stressed. Not to mention my room is a mess but I don't have time to clean it.
I guess I could have been doing that instead of writing this blog post.
Yeah no.

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