Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Resolutions

With all the fun and exciting things that have been going on in my life since July, I just haven't found the time to blog!
(Lies, lies, and more lies)
The sad truth is that I just completely forgot about blogging. Cause let's get real here, no one actually reads this.
Updates on my fun and exciting life:
quit Zupas
made the tennis team
went to my very last girl's camp
started Senior year!
won the St. George tournament in tennis
won a varsity match!
won region playing 2nd singles on JV (and those were some ridiculously hard games, so props to me)
went to Homecoming with Connor Clayton
went to Sadies with Ethan Blanchard
Applied at several different colleges! (BYU, BYUI, UVU)
Applied for millions of scholarships that I've yet to win
went to a Beyond 5 concert because they're amazing!!!!!!!
finished all ten seasons of Grey's Anatomy (see, I've been super busy)
got an iPhone for Christmas
got my first kiss..........hahahahaha yeah right.
worked on my mythology mosaic which takes a million years
had an interview for a new job! Still waiting for the phone call.

The rest of this blog post is more for me than for anyone actually reading this, so I'd understand if you just stopped reading right now.

Well it's 2014 now, and I have a few goals for this year.
1. I want to make good habits now so that in the future it won't be hard for me to stay healthy and active.
This means exercising a LOT more, eating healthy, and just keeping better care of myself.

2. I want to discover who I am
I'm almost an adult, and I'll be moving out soon. I want to be confident in myself, the choices I make, and what I want to do with my life. I know that I don't have to know for sure, but I want to have the slightest idea of what I want to major in in college.

3. I want to be more productive
I am the queen of procrastinating, and I need to learn how to balance a social life with my school work and jobs. This also includes blogging more!

4. I want to be aware
I feel like most of the time I'm stuck in my own world, and since I'm a teenager I've seen that as just what teenagers do. But I want to be aware of when my family, friends, and neighbors need something and I want to be the one to help them.

5. I want to be more confident
Most people think I'm quiet and shy, which I kind of am. But I just struggle to know what to say and I don't like being the center of attention. I'll be leaving my comfort zone with all my old friends once we all graduate, and I need to be more open and social.

If I can keep up with all these goals this year, moving out and going to college is going to be easy-breezy.

If you've made it this far, then I'm pretty impressed and you just got friend of the year award. Which would be super cool cause it's only the second day of the year. So congrats!

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